Along for the Ride

Along for the Ride

By Sarah Dessen

8 ratings 7 reviews 15 followers
Interest LevelReading LevelReading A-ZATOSWord Count
Grades 9 - 12Grades 3 - 8Y4.798980
New York Times bestseller

Up all night.

Nights have always been Auden’s time, her chance to escape everything that’s going on around her.
Then she meets Eli, a fellow insomniac, and he becomes her nocturnal tour guide.
Now, with an endless supply of summer nights between them, almost anything can happen. . . .
“As with all Dessen’s books, [this] is a must-have” —VOYA, starred review
Also by Sarah Dessen:
Just Listen
Keeping the Moon
Lock and Key
The Moon and More
Someone Like You
That Summer
This Lullaby
The Truth About Forever
What Happened to Goodbye
Publisher: Speak
ISBN-13: 9780142415566
ISBN-10: 0142415561
Published on 4/5/2011
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 432

Book Reviews (7)

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I read this book so many times and I can definitely relate to Auden about staying up late. I feel like if I had a book hero, Auden would be mine because I love how she is so passionate about academics and takes it seriously. The character development in the book was also great and I recommend reading this book.

Riding a bike is one of the many things that Auden has missed during her childhood. During that summer, she goes to visit her father, wife and baby. She meets a boy named Eli who shows Auden the nocturnal sights of Colby, trying to bring back her past to her.

This book is about a teenage girl named Auden who's parents are divorced and she has to go to spend her summer with her dad and stepmom with their colicky baby who wouldn't stop crying the minute auden walked through their door.I love how Auden develops a relashionship and gets closer with her Dad and her stepmom, caring for the baby....Great book, I recommend it.

This great book is about a closed-in teenage girl who moves to her father and stepmother's house. As she experiences the exciting life of an average teenager which she has been denied for years, she finds that there is much more to life than just studying.

It has some sadness in it, which I can relate to.

I enjoyed this book a lot. It was a cheesy romantic and I enjoyed it a lot. Auden, the main character, gets shipped to her dad's for the summer and her stepmom. Auden; the perfect daughter who never got to experience the real teenage life. Elliot introduces her to a life she could have only dreamed of, and she's just going along with the ride ;)