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bff: a girlfriend book you write together
By Lauren Myracle
Readers fell in love with Angela, Maddie, and Zoe, the three great friends who shared their ups and downs in ttyl, ttfn, and l8r, g8r. Now readers get to chronicle their own BFF experiences as they fill out the quizzes, questionnaires, and lists in this fun, interactive companion to the series. Together, friends can figure out which character they most resemble, cast the movie of their lives, and make promises to their adult selves. (I hereby officially swear I will never ever EVER wear mom jeans,’ so help me God. And if I do, I will have to eat my own shoe.”) Perfect for a car trip or sleepover, this book will provide as many laughs and blush-worthy opportunities for reflection as the series that inspired it.
Publisher: Harry N. Abrams
ISBN-13: 9780810984318
ISBN-10: 0810984318
Published on 9/1/2009
Binding: Hardcover
Number of pages: 224