Summer Reading 2016

KIDS - Read & Win Free Books!

How ? Its fun and easy.....
  1. Sign-up below & mail Consent Form
  2. Select books from Reading List
  3. Read & Review 3 books on DOGObooks
  4. Pick a FREE book from Prizes*
  5. Do it again (till Prizes last)

* max of 20 books per entry


Sign-up your students & patrons.....
Reading List (63)
Prizes (76)
  • estellar
    estellaralmost 9 years
    Dear editor, I just started this, and I think that this is an interesting website for Koreans like me. I will join constantly^^
    • hermioneslaying
      hermioneslayingalmost 9 years
      This is amazing and awesome because we just have to write book reviews and the more book reviews we write the more books we will get.
      • tim0706
        tim0706almost 9 years
        Dear Editor, I was just wondering why most of my reviews were deleted.
        • editor
          editoralmost 9 years
          hi because the system detected most were being copied off the book extracts and were not real reviews - also you wishing you could read the books is not a review - so please write the reviews in your own words
        • swirlycool
          swirlycoolalmost 9 years
          Dear Editor, you sent me the same book again. I have 2 copies of it. Is this a mistake? I'll send it back if it was.
        • itsonlyyzariah
          itsonlyyzariahalmost 9 years
          @editor it is really nice for you to help out others!! 😎 #Very great to help others for real though!;
          • vanesahenderson
            vanesahendersonalmost 9 years
            I did 3 books but i didn't get prize:(
            • editor
              editoralmost 9 years
              i just looked at your reveiews - you have to sign into the the summer reading program before you start writing which you did not - Our system cannot keep track of the books you win unless you do - follow these steps for summer reading success - (1) Go to Summer Reading Page (2) Sign up or sign in to your iDOGO Account (3) Join Summer Reading (4) Add the books you want to review from the Reading List (5) You will see the books added to your profile in the right-hand margin (6) when ready to write a review click the Orange button that says Write a Review (7) Once you have reviewed three books, you will be able to select a prize (8) Repeat steps 5-8 to earn free books.
            • aquamermaid21
              aquamermaid21almost 9 years
              Dear Editor, I have a few questions. Last year I reviewed three books from the list, and picked out one and it never came. Also, my parents sent in a consent form last year, do I have to send a new one this year?
              • editor
                editoralmost 9 years
                I am sorry its too late for us to track last years missing entries. And no the consent form only needs to be sent once - if your idogo account is not showing a green flag asking you to send one you are good
              • catface173
                catface173almost 9 years
                I just got two books already!! I started reading one book (VIP: I'm with the band) and it's very good. I would highly recommend that you get that book.
                • vivi10
                  vivi10almost 9 years
                  how long does it take to approve a book review? thank you
                  • swirlycool
                    swirlycoolover 8 years
                    I didn't say this, but it's good advice. "It really depends how busy they are." -Ocelot
                    • swirlycool
                      swirlycoolover 8 years
                      I think only a few hours. But I'm not really sure.
                    • vivi10
                      vivi10almost 9 years
                      i did three book reviews but i stil havent got a prize
                      • editor
                        editoralmost 9 years
                        it takes anywhere from 3-5 weeks after you pick a book
                        • editor
                          editoralmost 9 years
                          also make sure you are signed in to the program to ensure the system can track what you reviewing - otherwise there is now way for you to be awarded a prize - (1) Go to Summer Reading Page (2) Sign up or sign in to your iDOGO Account (3) Join Summer Reading (4) Add the books you want to review from the Reading List (5) You will see the books added to your profile in the right-hand margin (6) when ready to write a review click the Orange button that says Write a Review (7) Once you have reviewed three books, you will be able to select a prize (8) Repeat steps 5-8 to earn free books.

                      Summer Reading 2016 has ended!

                      May 18 - September 30, 2016
                      Terms and Conditions

                      Summer Reading 2016 Stats

                      Books read:
                      Books reviewed:
                      Prizes won:
                      Schools participating:

                      Recent Members