The War that Saved My Life

The War that Saved My Life

By Kimberly Brubaker Bradley

55 ratings 65 reviews 76 followers
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Grades 4 - 8Grades 10 - 9Z4.162451

#1 New York Times Bestseller
Newbery Honor Book
Winner of the Schneider Family Book Award (Middle School)
Wall Street Journal Best Children's Books of 2015
New York Public Library's 100 Books for Reading and Sharing 

An exceptionally moving story of triumph against all odds set during World War II, from the acclaimed author of Jefferson’s Sons and for fans of Number the Stars.
Ten-year-old Ada has never left her one-room apartment. Her mother is too humiliated by Ada’s twisted foot to let her outside. So when her little brother Jamie is shipped out of London to escape the war, Ada doesn’t waste a minute—she sneaks out to join him.
So begins a new adventure for Ada, and for Susan Smith, the woman who is forced to take the two kids in. As Ada teaches herself to ride a pony, learns to read, and watches for German spies, she begins to trust Susan—and Susan begins to love Ada and Jamie. But in the end, will their bond be enough to hold them together through wartime? Or will Ada and her brother fall back into the cruel hands of their mother?
This masterful work of historical fiction is equal parts adventure and a moving tale of family and identity—a classic in the making.

Publisher: Puffin Books
ISBN-13: 9780147510488
ISBN-10: 0147510481
Published on 5/31/2016
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 352

Book Reviews (64)

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I decided to read this book because I thought it looked interesting and it intrigued me. I'm only a few pages into it and I already love it . I think that the rest of the book will be amazing.

The War That Saved My Life is a historical fiction story about a girl named Ada, who lives during WWII. After escaping London (and her terrible mother) with her little brother Jamie, Ada and Jamie go to live with a lady named Susan. The only thing is, Ada has a clubfoot and can't walk. Will Susan accept Ada the way she is or will Ada be bullied by someone yet again? This book really touched my heart and was sad at times, but made me want to laugh at times too.

when you read this book it may cause tears i really had a connection because my dad died before i was born too so we had that connection throughout the whole story

The year is 1939 and Hitler is on the move. Ten-year-old Ada manages to slip out of her oppressive environs with her six-year-old brother Jamie to join other London children who are being evacuated to the countryside. The children are promised that the families awaiting their arrival will care for them. Unfortunately, no one seems to want Ada and Jamie, and they are sent to live with Susan Smith, a single woman who neither has experience with children nor any desire to care for them. Tension exists between Ada and Susan, even though the living arrangement appears to be better than anticipated. While their relationship builds amid hardship from the ensuing war, an unexpected event ultimately tests their bond of love. THE WAR THAT SAVED MY LIFE is an unforgettable gripping story, one that is not only earmarked to be an award-winning novel, but also has the potential of becoming an all-time classic. Long before war begins to ravage people's lives throughout Europe, an internal war has been brewing in one particular young girl's life --- because of her twisted foot, Ada has been the recipient of physical, mental and emotional abuse.  Because of this, Ada has a difficult time embracing Susan's kindness, and she constantly convinces herself that Susan isn't real. Bradley incorporates a bit of leitwortstil throughout a handful of chapters to reflect Ada's coping mechanism by periodically repeating the phrase "she's not a nice person." Yet this is only the beginning of Bradley's use of paradox --- a key literary tool driving her plot. Ada is a dynamic character. She is learning to adapt to the newness of her countryside surroundings, even though she feigns indifference in Susan's presence. She’s also very aware of others, and observes that other people have their ups and downs no matter their lot in life. THE WAR THAT SAVED MY LIFE is an unforgettable gripping story, one that is not only earmarked to be an award-winning novel, but also has the potential of becoming an all-time classic. I hope you will love this amazing book that you ought to read.

#sparklyunicorn #sparklyunicorn

Ava is a 10 year old girl who suffers an untreated clubfoot and lives with her harsh mother and little brother,Jamie in a small one bedroom apartment.Ava's mother is so ashamed of her clubfoot she does not let Ava step into the outside world.When World War Two breaks out,her mother allows Jamie to evacuate to America but forbids Ava from going.Nevertheless,Ava teaches herself to walk despite of her crippled foot and sneaks out with Jamie to the train to America.Once they get to America,they are 2 kids who nobody wants.Then,the "iron faced woman' gives them to a stern but good- hearted woman named Susan Smith.After a few awkward days,Susan and the children start to bond a little-by-little until it turns into loving each other like family. When the "iron faced woman" tells them it is time for the children to go back to London,they are upset but understand why.Once they return,their cruel mother takes away Ava's crutches and bandage.A few days later,the Germans bomb London.After the attack,Susan comes to London and the children are overjoyed to see her.Their mother is fine with them living with Susan. Kimberly Brubaker Bradley described this story very,very well and she is a fine author.I recommend this book to ages 10+.

This book takes place in World War II. Ava and her little brother Jamie are living with their abusive mother in a small apartment shack in London. Ava has an unfixed clubfoot, and because of it, Ava's mother doesn't let her go out in public, go to school, use a normal bathroom, and treats Ava like she is nothing but a burden in life. One day, Jamie finds out about a train taking kids to the country, where it will be safer than London when the bombs come. Ava's mother doesn't want Ava to go, but Ava sneaks out with Jamie and they take the train. When they arrive, nobody wants to take them in, so they are taken to a women named Susan. Susan does not have kids nor does she want kids, but she is forced to take them. At Susan's house, Ava's world is changed. For the first time in her life, she is allowed to go outside at free will. At Susan's house, she discovers so many new things, like grass and a horse named Butter, which she learns to ride. She gets three good meals a day, and gets to use a normal bathroom, not a bucket. Eventually, Ava and Jamie start to grow on Susan, and she starts to grow on them. Ava finally has someone to comfort her, and to tuck her in at night. She gets an education, and has the possibility to get her clubfoot fixed. And for the first time ever, Ava gets something she's never got before. Ava gets to be loved. The War That Saved My Life is a wonderful book. Kimberly Brubaker Bradley did an amazing job writing this book, and did a really great job having you connect with the character, as if you were right there beside her the whole time. I recommend this book to boys and girls ages 11+.

During the time of Hitler, 11-year old Ada, who is “Special”, in other words crippled has a mom who thinks that she is a disgrace to the world and every time she speaks against, one night sleeping in the cupboard under the sink. Ada’s brother James went to school found that there was a train going to London, to get away from the bombing. Ada’s mom only wanted James to take it and Ada not to, but Ada snuck out with James and took it to London where they were evacuees with a woman named Susan, at first Susan did not want children, but she was forced to take them because no one wanted them. Ada did not like getting everything she felt like she did not deserve it, because of the way her mom treated her. The time she was staying she learned to sew and ride a horse, she also was starting to learn to read and write but she refused to get tough. Then HItler started to attack so people went to every home and built a shelter to go in and every night london forced the town to blackout their home so Hitler would not see them. But when Ada went into the Shelter it smelt like the cupboard under the sink and cries herself to sleep, with Susan holding her super tight. After a while Ada excepted Susan and stop rejecting all nice things. In the end Ada’s mom did not want children and her husband was gone so Ada went to live with Susan and James in London.

This book has courage, passion, trust, and loyalty. Ada is a 10-year-old girl who had a cruel mother to embarrassed by her twisted foot to even let her outside. When all the kids are shipped to London to escape the war and the bombs, Ada's cruel mother told her she cannot go. But headstrong Ada sneaks out with her little brother Jamie and set's out on a hard and long path to find a new home. They get paired up with a woman named Susan Smith. Ada starts to like Susan and Susan starts to love her. Will their bond be strong enough to survive the war together?

This is a book during World War II. A girl name Ada and her brother Jamie are living with their mother in a small apartment flat. Ada has a clubfoot and her mother hates her for it. Ada has never left their flat because it gives her to much pain to put weight on it and her mother would never forgive her for walking and would send her to the cockroach filled, small, dark and dank cabinet under the sink. But when her younger brother went to school and her mother went to work, Ada taught herself to walk. Soon the bombing begins and Ada and her brother sneak out of the house and onto a train filled with school children headed towards the country where they will e safe from bombing. Ada and her brother are sent to live with a woman who has had no experience with children. Her brother Jamie starts throwing fits while Ada is trying to cope with all of the new things around her. Good food, grass, trees, the alphabet, reading, writing, and much more, and horse, how Ada loves horses. The woman that Ada and Jamie are staying with owns a pony named Butter who Ada, by herself with her clubfoot, learns to ride! Of course, there is more, allot more, but you should read the book to find out. I recommend this book for 4th through 7th graders depending on your reading level because near the end of the book war torn soldiers start coming into the town where Ada is staying and it is pretty descriptive. (Don't worry, that was not a spoiler). Read The War that Saved my Life!

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