Kids Books - Science Fiction

City of Bones (Mortal Instruments)

City of Bones (Mortal Instruments)

By Cassandra Clare

I do not recommend reading this book in public if you want to be thought of as sane: you will laugh with EVERY page, and as soon as you stop laughing you'll just start rolling on the floor again, until you're terrified and shocked and crying-- yet somehow still laughing uncontrollably. When sixteen-year-old Clary Fray (or is that even her real name...?) is thrusted into a whole new world where 'all the stories are true'--demons, werewolves, vampires, faeries-- she realizes that her mundane life to this point has been full of lies. She is a Shadowhunter, though she was not raised that way, and soon learns how to act like one while still preserving some of her own childhood innocence. She meets people with unforgettable personalities (You can't not love Luke, Magnus, Jace...)...and if you just turn the pages and read on, so will you. To me, this was a young adult version of the Harry Potter series--not that you can't read Harry Potter as a young adult :-) --with just the things a book needs: unpredictable plot twists, and much longing to be in this fictional world alongside these lovable characters.



By Ally Condie

“Two little dark figures, looking up. Are they looking at me? Is it him? This far away there's only one way to know. I point to the sky.” -Ally condie crossed. Do you like adventure, romance and a mystery? Then, Crossed by Ally Condie is for you because it's all of those things! This book is set on the rims of a dystopian society of the near future The protagonists Cassia and Ky switch off narrating the story. As a reader this structure worked well for me but in the end it got a little confusing because it became similar.The antagonist is the society. The plot in general was very engaging and suspenseful, I didn’t want to put it down. Always full of twists and turns as great or better than the first book in the trilogy this is the second book in the trilogy and makes me want to read the last one to know what happens. This book made me think about our world today and how we could have a similar society at some point.



By Ally Condie

Have you ever been faced with a huge decision? In this book called Matched by Ally Condie Cassia's life changes in many ways. Some ways for the better and other ways for the worse. The book takes place in the province of Oria which is where Cassia and her family live. Cassia lives with her parents and her brother, Bram. When you turn 17 you are put into the matching pool by the society. Your match is presented to you at a match banquet. Your match is the person you will be married to. It was a surprise to everyone when Cassia was matched with her best friend Xander. Everything seemed to be going great until she saw Ky Markham's face flash on her micro card that was supposed to have Xander's face on it. This moment was the turning point of the book. Cassia is the protagonist and the officials are the antagonists. The officials decide your whole life for you and Cassia isn't going to let that happen. Two major conflicts in this book are Cassia not being able to have the life he wants and also hiding things from the officials and Xander. This book had a great ending that made me want to read the next book. I recommend reading this book and I hope you like it as much as I did!

National Geographic Kids Chapters: Scrapes With Snakes: True Stories of Adventures With Animals (NGK Chapters)

National Geographic Kids Chapters: Scrapes With Snakes: True Stories of Adventures With Animals (NGK Chapters)

By Brady Barr, Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld

i am really fasinated by snakes so i like or love this book club a lot!

National Geographic Readers: Meteors

National Geographic Readers: Meteors

By Melissa Stewart

i love reading about space and rockets.

National Geographic Readers: Lions

National Geographic Readers: Lions

By Laura Marsh

Really good book if you're interested in Lions. ;)

National Geographic Readers: Alexander Graham Bell (Readers Bios)

National Geographic Readers: Alexander Graham Bell (Readers Bios)

By Barbara Kramer

great read about the phone guy!

National Geographic Readers: Thomas Edison (Readers Bios)

National Geographic Readers: Thomas Edison (Readers Bios)

By Barbara Kramer

Thomas Edison did NOT invent electricity Tesla Did Edison stole his idea...

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