edmodo-f7utzp5xxc's Activity (9)

  • edmodo-f7utzp5xxc
    edmodo-f7utzp5xxc added a book review.
    In the book ''The Templeton Twins Have an Idea'', it's about a brother named John and his twin sister Abagail try to help save themswelves and their father from two kid nappers: Dean D. Dean and his twin brother Dan D.Dean. It all started out when Dean D. Dean accused John's and Abagail's father of stealing his idea so the Deans took the Templeton twins. The book may not sound exactly interesting but trust me, it's daring, funny and the Templeton twins are incredibuly smart. In this book review I will be telling you a few of the positives that I loved, there are no negativees becuase I rated this book 5 stars. I'm going to be honest with you I did not think that the book was going gto be that good at all, I thought I would have more negatives than positives. But I guess that's when the phrase ''Don't judge a book by a cover'' comes in mind. But anyway one of the positives that I really thought was creative and daring was the fact that the narrator was funny. On the page before the prologue the narrator had book review questions so #1 would be something if I liked the book and then the athur wrote '' #2. Dio you think it makes the slightest bit difference to me whether you did or not.'' I have never read a book with the athur speaking that way to the reader and I enjoyed reading it. A next positive that I loved was that the Templeton twins thought of something that I never would of thought of before. Let me set the secne- Abagail and John are in the Dean brothers basement with old things and they think of a way to get Dan D.Dean to open the door. So they hung an old mirror and acted as if they needed help and when Dan came he stumbled down the stairs and the Templeton twins ran out and loked the door. On page 159, ''... John asked,'What's the last thing you expect to see when you come into a room?' Abagail answered 'yourself''' Clever aren't they? You might think of crazy things but the answer was in front of you [while looking in a mirror.] As you can see the book ''The Templeton Twins Have an Idea'' is in fact daring interesting and the Templeton twins are indeed smart. There is a series with the Templeton twins and I can't wait to read it. I hope your going to read it too!
    About 11 years ago
  • edmodo-f7utzp5xxc
    edmodo-f7utzp5xxc added a book review.
    In the book ''Are you thare God?It's me, Margret.'', it's about a girl named Margret trying to figure out if she should be jewish or a christian. I loved it that Margret and her friends stuck together and were always there for each other.I rated the book five stars becuase I love everything about it and I have no negative reviews about it. In this book review I will be telling you a few of the things I loved about it. Ther were many things that I just loved about the book, but one of themis on page 4. It says''Hey mom. There's a girl here who wants top know if I can go under her sprinklers.'' It may seem odd that I likeed this quote it's becuase when Margret just moved in she made a fast friend. I sure wish that it was like that when I moved in my new house. A next quote that I liked was on page 95 it says, ''She sent me two postcards a week, called every Friday night and promised to be home before Easter.'' I just love that sentance becuase it reallly shows that Margret's grandmother really cares about her. And trust me I have never in my life heard a grangmother call her grandaugter so much.That's what really makes me think that she has a strong relationship with her grandma. I love the book becuase of the love and care it shows and yet enough drama with Margret choosing her religon and it makes the book interesting. In conclusion I love this book and I recomend this book to somebody who wants the right enough of drama and yet just amazing characters. Isn't that the perfect dream book to read? I sure think so!
    About 11 years ago
  • edmodo-f7utzp5xxc
    edmodo-f7utzp5xxc added a book review.
    In the book ''Are you thare God?It's me, Margret.'', it's about a girl named Margret trying to figure out if she should be jewish or a christian. I loved it that Margret and her friends stuck together and were always there for each other.I rated the book five stars becuase I love everything about it and I have no negative reviews about it. In this book review I will be telling you a few of the things I loved about it. Ther were many things that I just loved about the book, but one of themis on page 4. It says''Hey mom. There's a girl here who wants top know if I can go under her sprinklers.'' It may seem odd that I likeed this quote it's becuase when Margret just moved in she made a fast friend. I sure wish that it was like that when I moved in my new house. A next quote that I liked was that
    About 11 years ago
  • edmodo-f7utzp5xxc
    edmodo-f7utzp5xxc added a book review.
    In the book ''Deenie'' there was a girl named Wilmadene but is called Deenie for short. Deenie was buetiful and her mom was always pestering her about her futureas a model. But the thing is Deenie didn't even want to be a model but no matter what her mom would always take her to modeling agencys. But who knew a problem with your spine could change everything especially make your own mom drive you even crazier. In this book review, I will be telling you some positives and negatives I had toward this book. One thing that I liked about this book was that Deenie's big sister Helen tried to comfort Deenie after finding out about her crooked spine. On page 66, it says ''Later Helen came to my room with a piece of chocolate cake and a glass of milk.'If I had scolisis I'd want to talk about it.''' A next positive that I liked was that Deenie's dad was strict about making Deeni keep her brace on until she got better.To prove that statement it says in page 142''The day I found out about your brace I promised myself I'd be firm'' I really admired all the support that Helen and Deenie's dad gave her. Don't you? I have a few negatives about this book and one of them is the fact that Deenie's parents does'nt push her hard enough to do her school work. In the book it says on page 7 ''Deenie's the buety and Helen's the brain'' To be honest with you I personally think that was mean don't you? A next negative opinion is on page 105, it says ''Daddy stood up and reached for my hand but I pulled away and wouldn't let him touch me.'' Deenie did that after her dad and her had a disaggreement. I just feel thatDeenie was acting a little spoiled. Don't you agree for her to do that to your own father who has been supporting you? The book Deenie was ok. The reason why I didn't reccomend it was becuase I felt the book was a little boring. But I enjoyed reading it a little.
    About 11 years ago
  • edmodo-f7utzp5xxc
    edmodo-f7utzp5xxc added a book review.
    In the book ''Deenie'' there was a girl named Wilmadene but is called Deenie for short. Deenie was buetiful and her mom was always pestering her about her futureas a model. But the thing is Deenie didn't even want to be a model but no matter what her mom would always take her to modeling agencys. But who knew a problem with your spine could change everything especially make your own mom drive you even crazier. In this book review, I will be telling you some positives and negatives I had toward this book. One thing that I liked about this book was that Deenie's big sister Helen tried to comfort Deenie after finding out about her crooked spine. On page 66, it says ''Later Helen came to my room with a piece of chocolate cake and a glass of milk.'If I had scolisis I'd want to talk about it.''' A next positive that I liked was that Deenie's dad was strict about making Deeni keep her brace on until she got better.To prove that statement it says in page 142''The day I found out about your brace I promised myself I'd be firm'' I really admired all the support that Helen and Deenie's dad gave her. Don't you? I have a few negatives about this book and one of them is the fact that Deenie's parents does'nt push her hard enough to do her school work. In the book it says on page 7 ''Deenie's the buety and Helen's the brain'' To be honest with you I personally think that was mean don't you? A next negative opinion is on page 105, it says ''Daddy stood up and reached for my hand but I pulled away and wouldn't let him touch me.'' Deenie did that after her dad and her had a disaggreement. I just feel thatDeenie was acting a little spoiled. Don't you agree for her to do that to your own father who has been supporting you? The book Deenie was ok. The reason why I didn't reccomend it was becuase I felt the book was a little boring. But I enjoyed reading it a little.
    About 11 years ago
  • edmodo-f7utzp5xxc
    edmodo-f7utzp5xxc added a book review.
    The book ''Blubber'' is a book that I think kids of every age and grade should read in one point in their life. It tells kids how it feels to tease somebody else and feel how exactly like to be the target. The book was ok, it was not one of my favorites but I still think it should be reccomended. In this book I will be telling you in this bok review, about some of the things I liked and did not like about this book. One thing that I liked is that the way how Linda one of the characters that got bullied handlded it. Linda would indeed cry when some of her classmates teased her but there were times when she was brave to keep on comming to school. If it was me I don't think that I would ever want to go back. In order to support this statement, it says in page 133 ''...my mother is going to drive me to school from now on'' Linda said after telling her mom about getting teased. A next thing that Iliked about this book was Jill the main character and her friend Tracy and how they are best friends. They both are best friends and I love it how they just know that they are meant to be best friends and to be honest with you it kind of reminds me of me and my best friends. But to prove Tracy's and Jill's friendship it says on pages 155-156 ''Some people are always changing best friends. I'm glad me and Tracy aren't that way.'' Those are two of the very few things that I liked about this book. I have a few negatives dealing with this book and one of them are is that Jill's parents don't exactly punish her the right way. I will prove this statement on page''But you will have to face the consquences.'' Jill's dad said after Jill put rotten eggs in someone;s mailbox. But I felt Jill should of at least of gotten grounded to make it more realistic. One more negative thing is that Jill at first was a little nice to Linda but then got way too mean. In order to prove that Jill was becoming to mean it says''Tracy had a blue chalk with her and she snapped it in half and both of us laughed like crazy as we wroteBlubber lives here all over the street.'' Blubber is Linda's nick name. Who knew a 5th grader could be so mean, right? Even though I personally did not like this book all that much, but I think people of all ages should read it becuase it will tell them how it may feel like your powerful teasing somebody but you could also be in a spot where you are the one being teased non-stop. So... let's all help the world stop with the terrible situation with bullying!
    About 11 years ago
  • edmodo-f7utzp5xxc
    edmodo-f7utzp5xxc added a book review.
    The book ''Blubber'' is a book that I think kids of every age and grade should read in one point in their life. It tells kids how it feels to tease somebody else and feel how exactly like to be the target. The book was ok, it was not one of my favorites but I still think it should be reccomended. In this book I will be telling you in this bok review, about some of the things I liked and did not like about this book. One thing that I liked is that the way how Linda one of the characters that got bullied handlded it. Linda would indeed cry when some of her classmates teased her but there were times when she was brave to keep on comming to school. If it was me I don't think that I would ever want to go back. In order to support this statement, it says in page 133 ''...my mother is going to drive me to school from now on'' Linda said after telling her mom about getting teased. A next thing that Iliked about this book was Jill the main character and her friend Tracy and how they are best friends. They both are best friends and I love it how they just know that they are meant to be best friends and to be honest with you it kind of reminds me of me and my best friends. But to prove Tracy's and Jill's friendship it says on pages 155-156 ''Some people are always changing best friends. I'm glad me and Tracy aren't that way.'' Those are two of the very few things that I liked about this book. I have a few negatives dealing with this book and one of them are is that Jill's parents don't exactly punish her the right way. I will prove this statement on page''But you will have to face the consquences.'' Jill's dad said after Jill put rotten eggs in someone;s mailbox. But I felt Jill should of at least of gotten grounded to make it more realistic. One more negative thing is that Jill at first was a little nice to Linda but then got way too mean. In order to prove that Jill was becoming to mean it says''Tracy had a blue chalk with her and she snapped it in half and both of us laughed like crazy as we wroteBlubber lives here all over the street.'' Blubber is Linda's nick name. Who knew a 5th grader could be so mean, right? Even though I personally did not like this book all that much, but I think people of all ages should read it becuase it will tell them how it may feel like your powerful teasing somebody but you could also be in a spot where you are the one being teased non-stop. So... let's all help the world stop with the terrible situation with bullying!
    About 11 years ago
  • edmodo-f7utzp5xxc
    edmodo-f7utzp5xxc added a book review.
    The book ''Blue Fish'' is an amazing story that people can relate to in so many different ways. To be honest with you once I started to read this book, I just could not stop. The author Pat Schmatz is a talented writer and now I really want to read every single book he wrote. In this book review, I will be telling you all the positives and negatives I have with the book. Honestly I have so much of positives I can't count them all.But one of them that I loved so much is about the main character Travis and his dog Rosco. When I was little I had a dog and I was so close to her and the day we gave him away to a friend, my heart broke. Just like Travis's when he found out Rosco got killed. I love that connection that Travis had with his dog. To prove this statement it says on page155 it says''He missed the smell,the dog hair all over his clothes, and Rosco's deep row-wow bark.'' A next example of a positive is about Travis's friend Velveeta. The reason why Ilike this story is becuase Velveeta is having a hard life but could still make the better of it . In support of this statement it says on page 88 '' The madre made real food again, and this time the butt showed... and they drank thier dinner while I ate mine.'' Velveeta has a mom who drinks too much and a brother who drinks and sells drugs. Tough life right? To be honest with you I have no negative reviews what so ever. The book '' Bluefish'' is a great book and I trult recomend this book to anyone who would like to read a book about a boy trying to learn how to read and deal with personal problems with his grandfather and a girl trying to find closure about a recent death. I would love to read it if I were you!
    About 11 years ago
  • edmodo-f7utzp5xxc
    edmodo-f7utzp5xxc has joined a reading program.
    Over 11 years ago

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