OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im reading this book and it is amazing, SPOILER ALERT this book is sad and a little violent, but that is what makes this book amazing. it starts off about a kittypet called rusty who lives an ordinary life as a kitten, but one night he goes into the forest to catch a mouse and runs into the leader of thunderclan (bluestar i think) and an apprentice and a warrior. bluestar and lionheart ( i think thats his name) notices rusty fighting skills, its realy good for a kittypet, ( because he fought greypaw an apprentice that is training to be a warrior) and they ask him to join there clan, that means he would have to leave his home. he choses to join them.
the sad thing was when redtail DIES! (bluestars apprentice)
riverclan is thunderclans worst enemy and oakheart killed redtail, but not long after tigerclaw takes oakhearts life.
there are SOOOOOOOOOOO many books in the warriors series like over 50!!!!!
you should read this it is THE BEST BOOK EVER!!!!!