Mr. Beasley- Summary- Johan Huibers built a life size replica of Noah's Ark after he dreamed about the Netherlands flooding. In 2009 he used the exact cubics to build the ark replica. He even made the inside the same. He put life size plastic animals like elephants, zebras, buffalos, and giraffes. He even has small animals that are alive. It's not only a "petting zoo" but it also has a movie theater and a resturaunt inside too.
My reaction- I think its pretty cool to build a replica of Noah's Ark. I would like to see it one day. I also like that he used the exact cubics and layout of the actual ark that Noah Built.
Array- Arrangment or Display
Impulse- The influence of a particular feeling
Cubit- An ancient linear unit based on the length of the forearm
Conventional- Accepted standards
Accumulate- to gather or collected