s138498's Activity (128)

  • s140932
    s140932is now following s139041.
    Almost 9 years ago
  • s148250
    s148250 added a new comment in
    The city that Tompkins Square Parks is located in is New York City. The number of years they have been having this event is for 25 years. The famous presidential candidate Ruby dressed up as is Donald Trump. The two reasons about why this event became so popular is 1. A lot of people love dogs and costumes and 2. If you like a movie or a book then you can dress up as a character from the movie or book and a lot of people do that.
    Almost 9 years ago
  • s148129
    s148129liked a comment in Video Of The Week - Wingsuit Skydivers Set New Formation Record.
    1. The 61 skydivers came to Perris in California, October 17 because they wanted to make a world record for the skydivers. 2. The dive was performed where there was three planes that had a lot of people that were gonna dive and they dive and start forming and coming together to make a shape. Then after that they start coming apart and pulling there parachutes and land on ground. It is important for them to scatter around because if they all pull there parachutes out all near each other they'll all crash and there parachute won't work. 3. The other record that was broken by the diamond shape formation broke the square formation. They beaten it by putting more people to assist to join and brake the record. 4. If I was one of the skydivers I wouldn't be concerned yet because we should've got more and making probably a cooler stuff like dragons and other stuff.
    Almost 9 years ago
  • s139161
    s139161liked a comment in Video Of The Week - Wingsuit Skydivers Set New Formation Record.
    it says that on October 17th that 61 wing suit skydivers a dozen countries arrived in Perris.
    Almost 9 years ago
  • s139161
    s139161liked a comment in Video Of The Week - Wingsuit Skydivers Set New Formation Record.
    The reason why 61 skydivers came to Perris CA on October 17th was because they wanted to shatter the record of wingsuit skydiving. They performed their skydiving by using a dimiond shape then after holding each other hands after they did their dimiond. It was important to scatter away after the formation because they wanted to break the record and that was important to them to do that. Skydive Perris members who made the leap at the same location on September 29th. If i where a sky diver my buggiest condenser would be dying.
    Almost 9 years ago
  • s139161
    s139161liked a comment in Video Of The Week - Wingsuit Skydivers Set New Formation Record.
    61 wing suit drivers cam for one purpose and that was to beat the skydiving record for the most wing suit divers in formation while in free fall set by 42 jumpers in June.The wing sky divers performed really good.It was good to scatter away after formation because to make sure everyone has enough flying space .Others hands and feat.The record that was broken recently is one of each divers hold on to each other and that title was claimed 202 Skydive Perrier members who made the leap at the same location on September 29th.
    Almost 9 years ago
  • s139161
    s139161liked a comment in Video Of The Week - Wingsuit Skydivers Set New Formation Record.
    Sorry at the last question i thought you said something else and yes it was at the same place they were both at Perris.
    Almost 9 years ago
  • s139161
    s139161liked a comment in Video Of The Week - Wingsuit Skydivers Set New Formation Record.
    On October 17th, 61 wingsuit skydivers from a dozen countries arrived in Perris, California for one purpose and they shattered the skydiving record for the most wingsuit divers in formation while in freefall, set by 42 jumpers in June. At about 5,500 feet, the divers scattered in different directions to ensure everyone had enough flying space, before opening their parachutes and landing gracefully on the ground below. That title was claimed by 202 Skydive Perris members who made the leap at the same location on September 29th. If I was a skydiver, my concern would be landing in water or getting stuck in a tree.
    Almost 9 years ago
  • s139161
    s139161liked a comment in Video Of The Week - Wingsuit Skydivers Set New Formation Record.
    Article Comp 1. The 61 skydivers came to Perris California to shatter the record for most wingsuit divers in a formation while in freefall. Article Comp 2. The way the dive was performed was they jumped out of three aircrafts that were flying in the air 13,500 feet. It was important because if they didn't scatter they might've got stuck and got hurt. Article Comp 3. The other record that was recently broken was 202 people had to be there to make the formation wich was a star. Critical Thinking Challenge. If i was one of the skydivers my biggest concern would be forgetting to pull the sting that makes the parachute come out.
    Almost 9 years ago
  • s139161
    s139161liked a comment in Video Of The Week - Wingsuit Skydivers Set New Formation Record.
    The reason why the skydivers went to Perris,California was to set the world record for the most wingsuit divers in a formation. The reason the divers performed the diamond formation is so that they could know where they were going. It was important to scatter because at first they were hanging on to their leg's or arm's then they need to scatter so it can look good. The previous record that was broken was 202 skydive members in Perris who made the leap at the same location on September 29th.
    Almost 9 years ago

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