The School for Good and Evil

The School for Good and Evil

By Soman Chainani

206 ratings 317 reviews 248 followers
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Grades 4 - 8Grades 4 - 6n/a5.2105365

The New York Times bestselling The School for Good and Evil is an epic journey into a dazzling new world, where the only way out of a fairy tale is to live through one. Start here to follow Sophie, Agatha, and everyone at school from the beginning!

With her glass slippers and devotion to good deeds, Sophie knows she'll earn top marks at the School for Good and join the ranks of past students like Cinderella, Rapunzel, and Snow White. Meanwhile, Agatha, with her shapeless black frocks and wicked black cat, seems a natural fit for the villains in the School for Evil.

The two girls soon find their fortunes reversed—Sophie's dumped in the School for Evil to take Uglification, Death Curses, and Henchmen Training, while Agatha finds herself in the School for Good, thrust among handsome princes and fair maidens for classes in Princess Etiquette and Animal Communication.

But what if the mistake is actually the first clue to discovering who Sophie and Agatha really are?

Publisher: HarperCollins
Published on 4/30/2014
Binding: Paperback

Book Reviews (305)

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maeve maeve

this book is awsome

This is a completely new take on fairy tales that at first takes you off guard. In some ways it is similar to descendants, but is a school for villains and heroes instead of there children. Is slightly weird but still a book worth reading.

The School for Good and Evil is a romantic book with tons of drama. In the beginning two great friends named Agatha and Sophie were kidnapped by the “school master” from their hometown Gavaldon. They were separated to go to school. However Sophie( the prettier one of the pair) had to attend the School for Evil and Agatha (the more peculiar of the pair) had to attend the School for Good. Both Agatha and Sophie fail to alert the staff that they are in the wrong schools. Once they get used to it, Sophie falls in love with Agatha’s classmate, Tedros( the student who every boy wants to be and all the girls want to be his wife), King Arthur’s son. She feels the need for him to take her to the Ever’s Snow Ball(that’s the ball for only students of the school for good). Agatha and Sophie travels to the “school master’s” tower. Inside they see a magical pen called the Storian start writing a story about the pair. The school master’s approaches them and gives them a riddle. If they solve the riddle, they would be free. Since their wish was to be free, they tried to solve the riddle. Agatha’s part was simple. But, Sophie had to kiss her true love, which to her was Tedros. Tedros falls in love Sophie and plans to kiss her. But once he sees that she has grown pure evil he turns away from Sophie, falls in love with Agatha and starts a raging battle between the Evers and the Nevers( the students of the school for evil). But in the end they live in their Happily Ever After. My favorite part is when Tedros and Sophie secretly met in the blue forest when they fell in love. Tedros was going to kiss her but instead Sophie says no because all she wanted was a prince. My favorite character is Agatha. Even though she is strange and ugly, she was so kind and beautiful inside her heart, she outshined Sophie and Tedros fell in love with Agatha. She always stays a good hearted friend to Sophie even though she was acting jealous and mean to her. I recommend this book to girls who are imaginative and who have a great friend. Say thank you to your best friend.

its really good! if you like fairy tales then you should read it! theres action, friendship and well... its really good :)

!!!!!! SO MUCH TO SAY !!!!!!! Like many other books I've read, there are SOOO MANY plot twists. The princess who is expected to be the 'good gal' is actually a witch 'within' and the girl who prefers a life other than princes and castles is actually considered the 'good one'. Even though Sophie (witch) and Agatha ('good') seem like complete opposites, they are still friends. At least they CONSIDER themselves to be. In my opinion, they don't seem like the BESTEST of friends and their trust for one another seems to waver sometimes. But if you're someone who loves reading about war, hearing the phrase 'girls rule' or 'who needs boys?', then this book is perfect. The school which is supposed to be for good got into a war between boys and girls **BOYS ARE LOOSING!! YESS** There is one character is we all thought was dead but .... COMES BACK TOP LIFE!! And in a very critical moment of the story as well which leads to a whole new plot twist. Oh, and did i mention there was ... MAGIC??? If this wasn't enough to convince you, I hope you changed your mind because there is MAGIC involved. (everyone loves magic ... except for those who don't, of course)

I really enjoyed this book, because one of the main, if not the main, themes was the idea that appearances are not always telling of whats on the inside. Agatha was dirty, and lonely, and pretty much emo, but she had a pure heart. Sophie was beautiful and perfect seeming, but she was evil on the inside. It shows that people are not always what they seem.

In my option I don't like this book it put me in a bad mood so I stopped reading. the school for good and evil also isn't my type of book I tend to stray away from fairy tales and princess. but I can still see why people may like for it is well very written.

This book?SO GOOD. My sister tried to get me to read it for years, and then I finally read it. I couldn't stop reading! I would find myself reading for hours! I fell in love with Agatha and Sophie. They are so fun to read about! You should read it, I recommend it so much!

I absolutely loved this book and every other one in the series! Sophie and Agatha are two students at the School for Good and Evil. Their fates seem to be layed out for them. Sophie -- obviously a student for the School for Good, and Agatha -- quite clearly a student for the School for Evil. But wait -- that's not how they were placed! Along the way, we learn more about their characters, and why Sophie and Agatha were placed in seemingly the wrong schools -- or were they placed in the right schools after all? I recommend this book to young and teen readers that love fantasy and mystery!

swimmingluv swimmingluv

such a good book I so recommend this

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