'Runaway' Cat Found 1,800-Miles Away From Home

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1,800 miles is a long way to travel, especially if you are just a tiny cat who weighs a mere five and a half pounds - But that apparently is the journey Willow, a Calico cat made when she trotted all the way from Colorado to New York City.

The Boulder resident escaped five years ago, when her house was undergoing renovations and a door was left open. Her owners, the Squire family, searched high and low for their little kitty cat, even putting up 'lost cat' posters all around the neighborhood and on the Internet. When there were no leads, they assumed that Willow had probably been the victim of the coyotes that roamed the area.

So you can only imagine their surprise when a few weeks ago, they received a call from Julie Bank the executive director of New York City's Animal Care and Control, telling them that Willow had been found. According to the director, she was delivered to them by a Good Samaritan who found her roaming on Manhattan's East 20th Street. They had been able to find the Squire family, thanks to the tracking microchip that had been embedded inside Willow, when she was just a kitten.

Though no one knows for sure how Willow got to New York, there has been a claim by a mystery man, that the so-called Samaritan was the person who had adopted what he thought was a stray cat from Colorado, after falling in love with her while on a ski-trip. And, though he still cared for the little cat, he did not have the time to devote to her, and had therefore decided to bring her to the animal shelter.

While there is no confirmation that the story is true, it is the best explanation of how Willow probably made the 1,800-mile journey and, why she looks so healthy and is showing no signs of distress from her five-year road trip.

Also, here is another clue that Willow may be have been with someone else - When she finally re-united with the Squire family on September 24th, she was not very friendly and even nipped three-year old Laura Squire's hand! What do you think Willow's story is? Be sure to let me know by adding your comments below.


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  • Kittyover 10 years
    i have 1 cat cause one got hit by a car but that is 1 pretty cat i wish it were mine
    • help my catover 10 years
      cute looks like my cat and has the same name
      • cat loverover 10 years
        soooo cute
        • cat loverover 10 years
          I has 4 cats me don't want to loose my cat but this cat is lucky to be found and reunited with its family
          • cool girlover 10 years
            poor little kitty why did she walk so far feel bad little kittys dont deserve this
            • Jackover 10 years
              This cat is really cool no sereasly how did that cat do that thuuuuu
              • Trinityover 10 years
                I think it was just that willow did not remember the kid and thought that she was trying to hurt her
                • Lily Goldmanover 10 years
                  Poor cat.
                • JASMINE456789over 10 years
                  That is so sad your lucky to have your cat back.Also that is a brave cat you have for walking 1800 miles from Colorade to New York city
                  • JaSMIN29876over 10 years