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Happy Summer from DOGOnews! Our team is taking a short break. We'll be back soon with more exciting news!

Darius, The World's Longest Bunny, Has Gone Missing!

Darius, one of the world's most famous rabbits, has disappeared! The massive, 4 foot 3-inch long Continental Giant, who has held the Guinness World Record for the "longest living rabbit" since 2010, vanished from his backyard in the village of Stoulton, England, on April 10, 2021. The local police, who are frantically searching for Darius, believe he was stolen from his enclosure overnight on Saturday....

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Darius, The World's Longest Bunny, Has Gone Missing!

The Kitefin Shark Is The World's Largest-Known Luminous Vertebrate

While bioluminescence — the ability to glow in the dark — is a fairly common occurrence in fish and squid that live in the ocean's darkest depths, its presence in sharks is not as well-documented or understood. Now, the discovery of the largest-known luminous vertebrate — the six-foot-long kitefin shark — and two other glowing shark species has enabled researchers to gain valuable insights into the luminescent abilities of the deep-sea creatures....

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The Kitefin Shark Is The World's Largest-Known Luminous Vertebrate

Conservationists Rescue Endangered Giraffes Trapped On Kenyan Island

In 2011, conservationists moved eight Rothschild's giraffes to Longicharo Island, a rocky peninsula on Lake Baringo in Western Kenya. The scientists hoped the isolated area would save the endangered animals from poachers and allow their numbers to multiply. However, intense rainfall in August 2020 caused the lake water levels to rise substantially, cutting the area off from the mainland and reducing the once lush, 100-acre habitat to about eight acres....

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Conservationists Rescue Endangered Giraffes Trapped On Kenyan Island

How Texans Stepped Up To Help One Another During The Brutal Freeze

The deadly winter storm, which swept across 22 states — from Texas to Maine — the week of February 14, 2021, delivered large amounts of snow and ice, and established numerous low-temperature records. While over 140 million Americans were impacted, Texas was particularly hard hit. The Arctic chill caused about 60 percent of the state's energy sources to go offline and water pipes to freeze and burst, leaving millions without electricity and water....

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How Texans Stepped Up To Help One Another During The Brutal Freeze