Quadruple Amputee Prepares For Another Ambitious Swim

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On September 19th, 2010, Philippe Croizon, made history by becoming the first quadruple amputee to swim across the 21-mile long English Channel. Now, the French resident is taking on an even bigger challenge - Symbolically link the world's five continents by swimming across the series of narrow straits that separates them.

The 44-year old and his training partner Arnaud Chassery, plan to depart from France on May 6th and begin by swimming from Papua New Guinea to Indonesia (symbolically linking Oceania and Asia). In the summer, they will go across the Red Sea between Jordan and Eqypt (Asia to Africa). Then it will be the Strait of Gibraltar, the 8.9 mile strip that connects Africa to Europe and finally, in the middle of August, the Bering Strait that separates Siberia and Alaska (Asia to America).

By the end of the journey, which Philippe will undertake using prosthetic limbs and fins, he and Arnaud Chassery will have swam over 52 miles and spent at least 45 hours in the water.

A former metalworker, Mr. Croizon had to have both his arms and legs amputated in 1994, when he was just 26, after being struck by a 20,000 volt power line, whilst trying to dismantle a television antenna off his roof.

While recovering in hospital, he watched a documentary about swimming across the English Channel and decided he had to try do that. Realizing he needed some help, he contacted fellow Frenchman, Arnaud Chassery who had already done the arduous swim. Since then, the two have become friends, not to mention formidable swim partners that take on challenges most able-bodied people are afraid to.

Resources: Telegraph.co.uk, nydailynews.com, huffingtonpost.com

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  • soo
    sooover 12 years
    I think that man is very brave! Even though he is disabled, it is good to see that he is working hard.
    • Maryover 12 years
      Omg he is amazing
      • Maryover 12 years
        Omg he is so amazing to be able to swim with no arms or legs
        • tiaover 12 years
          that seems hard to swim with no arms and feet
          • Duelover 12 years
            • Hiover 12 years
              It would really stink if I was amputated
              • joel
                Mr. Munozover 12 years
                Er- The man swam without legs or arms, that is awesome because he can swim without legs or arms. I wish I could be that man because I could go on the airplane and I could fly it, too. The man had no legs and I don't know how he swims, but how is he still alive when the cut off his legs and hands?
                • norahover 12 years
                  i fell sorry for this guy
                  • Mr. Max Lover 12 years
                    Phillippe is a quadruple amputee, that means he has no arms or legs. He swam the 21 mile long English Channel. That is a lot of hard work! He was 26 when he lost his arms and legs. I felt sad that he has no arms or legs but also happy that he accomplished a great goal!
                    • Timover 12 years
                      I bet it was very hard to swim across the English Chanel!!!