Italian Youngsters Flock To Help Clean Up Flood-Stricken Venice

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Venice , Italy is often flooded due to high tides in the surrounding lagoon (Credit: Didier Descouens /CC BY-SA 4.0/

Venice, which is built on 118 small islands in the middle of the Venetian Lagoon at the tip of the Adriatic Sea in Northern Italy, is no stranger to floods. The picturesque city experiences water surges from the rising tides at least four times a year, usually during winter.

However, the 1.87-meter (6.2-foot) tide that swept through the city on November 12, 2019, was one of the highest ever experienced, second only to the 1.94-meter (6.23-foot) wave that inundated Venice in 1966. To make matters worse, it was followed by two consecutive water surges, both topping 1.5 meters (5 feet), on November 15 and 17, 2019. The rapid succession of the acqua alta, or high tides, covered over 80 percent of the city of canals, causing widespread destruction to museums, homes, and businesses.

The 2019 flooding is the worst , Venice has experienced since 1966 (Credit: Valerie and Sebastian/

Though difficult, it is always important to find a silver lining in the wake of such events. In Venice, it has come in the form of the "Angels of the Salt"— hundreds of youth volunteers who have descended upon the beautiful city to help with the clean-up efforts and to save important artifacts. The youngsters, who come from all over Italy, were alerted to the situation by Venice Calls, a local outreach organization comprising 35 students, aged between 18 and 25.

Its spokesperson, 25-year-old Piero Risica, told CNN, "When we saw the historic flooding on Tuesday night [November 12], we immediately started to gather volunteers to help the city. The first day we were 200 in the Telegram group and on the ground. Yesterday 550, and today more than 1,700."

In addition to helping drain the flood waters from residences and businesses, the young volunteers are also collecting the garbage and water-damaged appliances and taking them to recycling centers. ​​​​"During the high water, people throw away garbage in the street out of necessity," Risica explains. "But that creates huge problems for the lagoon because it damages its ecosystem, so the lagoon is not able to heal itself and mitigate its problems."

Hundreds of young "Angels of the Salt" volunteers are helping clean up Venice after the flood (Credit: Francesco Francalli/Facebook)

They have also been salvaging ancient sheet music at Venice's Music Conservatory, whose archives suffered substantial water damage. Thanks to the work of volunteers like viola student Irene Maria Giussani, who has been painstakingly using absorbent paper to prevent the ink from spreading, the center has been able to salvage some 164 feet of historic manuscripts, dating from as far back as the 1500s.​​​

Anna Dumont, an American Ph.D. student researching Venetian textiles from the 19th and 20th centuries, is dedicating her efforts to reclaiming precious books from the collection stored at the Querini Stampalia Foundation. "So right now, we're taking books that are wet with saltwater, and we are, page by page, putting paper towels in between the pages to soak up the water and hopefully save the books," she says.

The Moveable Barrier System (MOSE) conceived to stop the tidewaters from flooding the city has been in the works for 16 years (Credit:

Though the flood waters have now receded, locals worry that the exceptionally high tides, attributed to rising sea levels, may be the new norm. “We are used to flooding, and we know how to deal with it, but my generation has never seen anything like this,” says Venice resident Alessandro Guggia. Many believe the recent disaster could be the tipping point for residents already on edge, and will further reduce the city's population, which has already declined from a high of 75,000 in 1950 to just 52,000 now.

What's frustrating Venetians is that the devastation could have been avoided if the Moveable Barrier System (MOSE) had been in place. The infrastructure project to place moveable floodgates that would stop the high tides from engulfing the city has been under construction since 2003, and has already cost Italian taxpayers $5 billion. However, due to the cost overruns, government official corruption, and opposition from environmentalists concerned about the project's impact on the fragile canal ecosystem, it is nowhere close to completion. Hopefully, the recent floods will spur the Italian government into action to make MOSE a reality.



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  • ll274263
    ll274263almost 5 years
    This is so awesome that the people are helping. and get this too 100 comments
  • stellaluna
    stellalunaalmost 5 years
    Keep up the good work!
    • lachie200
      lachie200almost 5 years
      Hope it gets all cleaned up!
      • chocolate168
        chocolate168almost 5 years
        • ticktok
          ticktokalmost 5 years
          I am so glad these people are trying to help!#STAY STRONG 💪
          • bonbon1653
            bonbon1653almost 5 years
            I found out that when people are in need good people just jump out of knowware and do the thing that needs to de think you for doing this!!!
            • lachie200
              lachie200almost 5 years
              I agree #STAY STRONG
            • ticktok
              ticktokalmost 5 years
              This sounds very scary😧
              • ticktok
                ticktokalmost 5 years
                #WORST flood ever😯
                • stromchaser32
                  stromchaser32almost 5 years
                  • wolfdog
                    wolfdogalmost 5 years
                    In a place such as Venice, it's no surprise floods happen often. But this is the worst flood since *1966* (in 50 years!). Maybe, the MOSES will soon be completed give or take 4-5 years... Venice is quickly losing people.. 75,000-52,000 in less than a century. Nobody wants to live in a constantly flooded area. The calm waters of Venice are not what they appear to be.
                    • 13iamgroot
                      13iamgrootalmost 5 years
                      That is really cool that the kids went out to help, I think us kids should do it more often, because we really need it for our earth.