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Massive Asteroid With "Face Mask" Will Zoom Past Earth Tomorrow

On April 29, 2020, Earth will get an intimidating visitor — a massive asteroid called 1998 OR2. Fortunately for us, the space rock, which experts believe will be the largest one to fly by our planet this year, will be following the strict COVID-19 pandemic regulations. 1998 OR2 will not only be zooming past Earth at a safe "social" space of about 3.9 million miles (6.3 million km), or about 16 times the distance between the Earth and the Moon, but it will also be wearing a "face mask."...

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Massive Asteroid With "Face Mask" Will Zoom Past Earth Tomorrow

This Scorching Exoplanet Experiences A Steady Pelting Of Iron Rain!

The search for an Earth-like planet that can support life has led to the discovery of many strange worlds, including one with two suns, a lava land, and a shimmering "sapphire" planet. However, none are as extreme or as bizarre as WASP-76b, which boasts 4,352-degree Fahrenheit (2,400-degree Celsius) temperatures, wind gusts of over 10,000 mph, and a steady pelting of iron rain!...

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This Scorching Exoplanet Experiences A Steady Pelting Of Iron Rain!

Robots Help Japanese Students "Attend" Graduation Ceremony

Japan has always been at the forefront of robotic technology. Over the years, the androids have been deployed to work in banks, run hotels, and even serve as personal assistants to the elderly. Now, in what is being hailed as an "industry first," a Tokyo university has used avatar robots to enable students to "attend" their graduation ceremony without leaving home....

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Robots Help Japanese Students "Attend" Graduation Ceremony

Overeager Service Dog Ryker Has Come A Long Way Since His Hilarious Training Test Video

Ryker, a gorgeous Belgian Malinois, achieved instant Internet fame in December 2018 after the trainers at the Double H Canine Training Academy in Louisville, Kentucky, released a hilarious training test video of the adorable puppy. Captioned "Epic Service Dog Training Failure," it showed the enthusiastic dog trying his best to follow the instructions, but miserably failing at every trick, that he was taught....

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Overeager Service Dog Ryker Has Come A Long Way Since His Hilarious Training Test Video

Rescuers In Northeast India Use The Archimedes' Principle To Save An Elephant In Distress

An elephant, who accidentally fell into a dry, 25-foot deep well in Northeast India, lived to see another day thanks to the quick-thinking rescuers' scientific knowledge. The chain of events unfolded early in the morning on Tuesday, January 28, 2020, when residents of Amliya toli village, in the state of Jharkhand, awoke to the cries of the stranded pachyderm and called the forest department for help....

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Rescuers In Northeast India Use The Archimedes' Principle To Save An Elephant In Distress

WestJet's 2019 Christmas "Miracle" Highlights Real Acts of Giving And Receiving

Every holiday season, Canada's WestJet airlines finds a unique way to bring Christmas cheer to hundreds of unsuspecting families. Past "miracles" have included surprising weary travelers with iPods, fulfilling extravagant Christmas wishes from passengers aboard two late-night flights, and reuniting loved ones living in different countries for the holidays. In 2019, the company decided to let customers determine if they wanted to keep the generous gift being offered to them or donate it to a family in need....

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WestJet's 2019 Christmas "Miracle" Highlights Real Acts of Giving And Receiving