Kids News - Articles with 0-200 Words

Video Of The Week - The Amazing J. R. Celski

19-year old speed skater, J.R. Celski's road to the 2010 Winter Olympics was not easy. In September, whilst competing in 500m Olympic trials, the young speed skater lost control, crashing against the protective barrier so hard, that his right blade dug deep into his left thigh, creating a gash that required 60 stitches to piece back together....

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Video Of The Week - The Amazing J. R. Celski

Think You Have Bad Weather?

As the third blizzard of the month slams the Eastern Coast of the United States, many of you are wondering when this seemingly endless winter of 2010 will cease. However, take heart - As you can see from the pictures below, there are folks who have it much worse, and for some, this is just a normal winter!...

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Think You Have Bad Weather?

The Perfect Gift Card Holder

How often have you spent hours wrapping a gift, only to see all your hard work torn to shreds by an impatient recipient, whose only interest lies in what is inside! Now there is a solution!...

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The Perfect Gift Card Holder