British Scientists Create Gasoline From Thin Air (And Water)!

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With gas prices inching up, as well as, the constant reminder of the harmful environmental impact of fossil fuels, the quest to find another source of fuel has heated up considerably. Over the last few years, we have seen many amazing alternatives ranging from electricity to bio-fuel but none come even close to this latest invention - Fuel manufactured from air and water! That is exactly what engineers and scientists at U.K. based Air Fuel Synthesis (AFS) claim to have created.

In order to manufacture this magical 'green' gasoline, the team begins by extracting carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and hydrogen from water. The two gases are then combined in a reactor. Then, with the help of a catalyst, the hydrocarbon mixture is converted into methanol, which is then transformed into usable fuel using a commonly known procedure called the MOBIL methanol-to-gasoline reaction.

Aside from the obvious advantage of using up harmful carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, this synthetic fuel is also better for the environment. That's because it uses the exact raw materials that are required to make methanol and, therefore, does not create the harmful byproducts that result when fossil fuels are burned.

This breakthrough technique that took two years and $1.6 million pounds to develop is of course still in its infancy. In the last three months, the engineers at AFS have only been able to create a total of 5 liters (1.32 gallons) of the synthetic gasoline. However, Air Fuel Synthesis CEO Peter Harrison believes that since the method has been proven, making the fuel on a larger scale will not be that difficult. That's because the raw materials are abundantly available, and the refining process involves many of the steps that are already being used in the commercial manufacturing of other products. This means that the equipment for mass production can be just bought and assembled.

In fact, AFS is already planning a commercial refinery that will be ready for larger scale fuel production by 2015. However, the gas produced will not be sold to stations around the country, but instead be reserved for race cars and other vehicles that require special fuel.

Also since the actual cost of producing this amazing gas is not yet known, it is hard to determine whether it will ever be freely available to the general public. But the fact that something this radical has been developed is good news for all of us!


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  • sciencerulzalmost 12 years
    Actually, I respect everyone's opinions. But in my opinion, maybe THIS kind of gasoline will produce much LESS pollution than the ones we usually use nowadays. Plus, it is already obvious that British people are very eco-friendly...
    • Raymond D.almost 12 years
      Wow, Snakeboy83 has an extremely valid point! Well done, sir!
      • saulalmost 12 years
        • snakeboy83
          snakeboy83almost 12 years
          I hate to break it to you all, but this isn't that good of a thing to mass produce. The fuel is made of two things: air and water. Fresh pure water is surprisingly hard to get, as it needs to be processed from salt water, which takes a lot of steam and releases a lot of Co2. The air also uses resources to get the Co2 from it. The News Post doesn't say what the chemical catalyst (Co2 extractor) is either. Then there is an issue with how to power the reactor. The power in any grid is usually around 80-95% from non-renewable factories. They produce Co2, It rounds off to 79,452,000 tonnes everyday (By the way, I'm talking about the U.S.A alone). Then there is the Co2 emissions of planes and things that the "green" fuel itself will emit. This is around 29,000,000 tonnes (Still just the U.S.A) a day. In all, 108702000 tonnes of Co2 a day is produced (adding in what the water processors will produce) and that's still only the U.S.A. I've calculated this for only one machine by the way, keep adding 34,768,000 tonnes per machine, not including how much the chemical catalyst and machine would cost to produce. If you have any questions, or wish to argue about my statement, please reply. If you don't understand what I've wrote, please have an adult help or search it up. Just saying.
          • thalmost 12 years
            amazing articie
            • I <3 elephantsalmost 12 years
              This article is petty cool!!! This will be great for the future and the earth!
              • SassQalmost 12 years
                Good cause my bmw uses a lot of gas
                • weetlekinz
                  weetlekinzalmost 12 years
                  this is an amzing scientific break through.i still dont think its 100% possible though
                  • Bubblesalmost 12 years
                    If this could save the planet, why are these people reserving it for special cars!!!
                    • partyhouse
                      partyhousealmost 12 years
                      Yes gasoline is bad for the planet , that's why they are coming up with these new recsorces.